Vikings the Image
The Vikings were not that bad. The Vikings were not the only sea raiders.
The Frisians as well as the Picts and Welsh engaged in Piracy.
In the Baltic the Estonians, Finns, Wends and Slovacs were active pirates also.
On land you had the Mongols and Magyars attacking the west.
The Vikings were not that bad. That's right.
Actually they were pussycats compared to the Tatars.
The Tatars are have said to eat human flesh.
They were said to be monsters rather than men and have been described
as terrible of body, furious of countenance, with wrathful eyes, rapacious hands
and blood dripping teeth. Until they were wiped out by the Mongols.
The Vikings were only said to have drank from human skulls.
They make a great cup in a pinch whats the big deal.
(It was common among some Germanic  tribes to drink from the skull
of rival he killed. We like to do that too!)
Oh yeah and to have impaled babies on their swords.
OK now that's bad. We don't do that.
But not their babies.
But the Vikings were very tolerant of all peoples especially the ladies,
and religions. Ultimately when they finally were force to accept Christianity
their attitude was, We'll just add another God!